My Stories

I write adventures for those in search of a good story. My novels fall in the Fantasy genre, but many people consider them Sci-fi too. Each story is written with what I look for when I read a book: action, adventure, twists and turns, love, heroes, vicious enemies, fighting (weapons and hand to hand combat). I write because I want to share the stories that are inside of me. I hope you enjoy the adventures as much as I love writing them!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Thank you!!

Thank you! Thank you!!   First of all, I really want to thank you for your support.  And I want to thank all of you who take the extra time to rate and review my books!!   Not only does it encourage me to keep writing, but it helps my books sell!

Second, I want to share some exciting news with you.  I recieved my information for the last quarter from Smashwords and it is very apparent that a lot of people are enjoying Ava's adventure in Taken!  I was looking through all the data that Smashwords keeps track of for me when I stumbled across some very exciting news that I was totally unaware of.  My book is not just selling here in the United States, but also in Australia, Europe, Canada, and Great Brittan!   Have I told you how blessed I am to have found Smashwords(they have given me the platform to make my dreams reach beyond what I thought my dreams could)!    I am just like a little kid at Christmas, I couldn't believe that not only is Taken doing so well, but it's doing well internationally.  Not like Stephanie Meyer well, but for a girl who took a chance and ran with her dream, not expecting much, I am quite ecstatic with the numbers!

Again, thank you!!  (I won't ever get sick of saying it)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The greatest results in life are usually attained by simple means and the exercise of ordinary qualities. These may for the most part be summed in these two: common-sense and perseverance. - Owen Feltham

Good Job Amanda :)