My Stories

I write adventures for those in search of a good story. My novels fall in the Fantasy genre, but many people consider them Sci-fi too. Each story is written with what I look for when I read a book: action, adventure, twists and turns, love, heroes, vicious enemies, fighting (weapons and hand to hand combat). I write because I want to share the stories that are inside of me. I hope you enjoy the adventures as much as I love writing them!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Books for $2.99

In these interesting times, where we're stuck in our homes, the arts are a great escape: reading, writing, drawing, painting, coloring, playing music, listening to music, dancing... or whatever medium you feel in your heart and soul. 

To help with those of you who want to read a book, I have lowered the price of my books for the next month to $2.99 ($4.99 for "Darkness"). It's not a lot in royalties for me, but it's something I hope you can afford and will still help keep me and my family afloat. If I could afford to make my books free I would in a heartbeat. Unfortunately I have yet to be discovered in a big enough fashion. If you know of anyone else who likes to read stories that contain: action, adventure, twists and turns, love, heroes, vicious enemies, fighting (weapons and hand to hand combat), please share this post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Here's where to find my books:

One last thing. If you enjoy my books, please rate and review so other people will take a chance on me. Thank you so much!! Stay safe and take care!  ðŸ˜Š


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