My Stories

I write adventures for those in search of a good story. My novels fall in the Fantasy genre, but many people consider them Sci-fi too. Each story is written with what I look for when I read a book: action, adventure, twists and turns, love, heroes, vicious enemies, fighting (weapons and hand to hand combat). I write because I want to share the stories that are inside of me. I hope you enjoy the adventures as much as I love writing them!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

20% FREE sample

Did you know that you can read/download a 20%  FREE sample from each of my five books at (just click here)

There are various ways you can check out my books.  I have posted Chapter one of each of my books on the left side of this blog .  On the right are the links to where you can buy my ebooks!  Up top are the links to for each book. 

There are a lot of reasons why I give Smashwords so much attention.  Without them, I'd probably still be wondering how to make my books available.  Not only do they format and distribute my books (to Barnes&nobles, Apple, Sony, diesel, and Kobo) for me, but they also do their customers a great benefit. They allow me to sell my books as ebooks to you at a reasonable price ($2.99) and they allow you to download 20% of my books so that you can decide if my book is worth your time.  As an author, I think this is awesome, mostly because I hate writing the short descriptions.  (I think they're very stressful.   The short desription pretty much ties with titles as my least favorite part of writing/publishing)  However, a 20% sample allows for people to see that they will enjoy my books.  As a reader, this is wonderful, because I hate short descriptions.  Some are very captivating, but then I start reading and think "uhg".  Where as others didn't captivate me, but I liked the cover, so I read the 20% or whatever the author allowed for me to read and I am glad I did.  I am very much a judge a book by its cover reader, which means I have picked some not so good books to read, but less and less now.  

I know. I know.  I need to lay off the Dr.Pepper, but I love it so much!  Plus, I really want you to know that the 20% sample is a great advantage.  To the reader and the author.  So, here I am pushing the love to Smashwords one more time.  If you're a writer, and want to know a great site to publish an ebook check out!  If you're a reader who loves great stories that don't cost too much, check out and take them up on their 20% sample (well up to 20%  - the author decides).  I think you'll be surprised with all the talent that is out there!     :) 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

New Cover for Solace

I know I'm slacking in the blogging world again.  I have been busy though.  Some with life and things I'd rather hand to someone else to deal with - I know, God made me strong enough.  I figure that's why he added Tai Chi and writing to my life.  Anyways, the reason I made sure to get on here was because after much indecision, I decided to make a decision.  I created a new cover for Solace.  I really liked the other cove,r but when the Book 2 comes out you will see why I changed the cover.  Yes, book 2 Solace: Lost is very close to being ready to start a count down for!!  Yes, I am a little excited about this.   Woo Hoo!!  Well, I hope you like the new cover for Solace: Uncharted Territory