My Stories

I write adventures for those in search of a good story. My novels fall in the Fantasy genre, but many people consider them Sci-fi too. Each story is written with what I look for when I read a book: action, adventure, twists and turns, love, heroes, vicious enemies, fighting (weapons and hand to hand combat). I write because I want to share the stories that are inside of me. I hope you enjoy the adventures as much as I love writing them!

Blades of the Ytinu Srebas (Chapter 1)


I woke up to find myself in surroundings that seemed familiar.  The light wasn’t blue or green, it was just light.  I was lying on the soft ground… no, not ground.  As my eyes focused I saw that I was on a… bed?  I sat up in panic.  
Where was he?! 
“Ava, it’s okay,” came a voice that was familiar… but wrong.  I looked over to see a female face.  A beautiful woman was standing next to the bed.  My heart stopped… 
Where was he? 
“Ava, it’s me,” she said with a smile, but there were tears in her eyes.  “Ashley.” 
Ashley?  Who was she?  I looked around the familiar room… 
Where was he? 
“Yea, this is your place.  I hope you don’t mind, I got your landlord to let me take over your lease,” she began to explain. 
I focused on her face and said her name over and over in my mind.  I should know her, I knew I should.  I started to shake my head at the frustration that was growing.  Then I remembered, I remembered me and her in a lot of different situations, most of which were of us laughing.  The emotion that flooded into my mind told me that she and I were close.  I smiled up at her, but I didn’t feel happy.
“I knew when you came back, this would be the best place for you.” 
“Came back?” I inquired curiously.
Her face filled with confusion for a moment.  Then she smiled, but her eyes were still sad.  “You’ve been gone for almost five years.  You’ve been unconscious for almost a month.  Everyone gave up on you returning, but not me, I…” 
“Five years?” I whispered.
She laid her hand on my leg as I looked away, trying to make sense of what was going on.
“Five years?” I repeated as I swallowed hard.  I took another look around, taking in my surroundings.  The room was square with walls that were such a light green they almost looked white.  There was an open window next to my bed, a closet on the wall to the left, and an open door on the wall adjacent to that.  The room was cluttered with stuff, but very tidy.  It was over stimulating to my eyes and I looked back at Ashley.
“I never stopped believing you’d come back,” she said.  “I kept everything the same.  Well, except I burned all the pictures you had of Mike.” She laughed and I smiled back because she looked proud of herself.  
“Do you remember that night?” she inquired hesitantly.  
I shook my head.  What was I supposed to remember?
Where was… he? 
Had it been a dream?  What was it I thought was a dream?  I could barely remember anything, I only felt that something important happened.  Had I been unconscious for five years? Someone was ripping my heart from my chest… it couldn’t have been a dream.  
“Mike was such a jerk.  When I found him, he was curled up in a ball at the base of an old oak tree.  Stupid city guy,” she laughed, pulling me from my thoughts.  “Anyways, he said you ran into the woods.  He thought he saw you, so he went further in than he ever normally would have.  He claimed that there were these strange sounds, sounds he didn’t know how to describe.”
I listened intently to what she was saying, hoping something would trigger my memories.  I felt so lost.
“Once I got him off his frightened butt, we went in further to look for you.  The only sign I found that you had been there were your shoes.  I immediately ran back to your apartment, leaving Mike to find his own way out.  I was sure I was going to find you here, laughing at this great story of how Mike had actually followed you into the woods and got lost.”  Her smile faded, “but you weren’t here when I got back.” 
Her face was sad as she remember that night.  I thought about her story, I wanted so badly to remember.  Then I saw the memories flash through my head, everything was so fuzzy and I focused on them.  
“I do remember, a little.  I remember being excited to tell you how… Mike had followed me into the woods.” 
The laughter in my voice surprised me at first, but then I felt the reason why.  I understood that I had been looking forward to finding her that night.  I looked back at her as I began to remember how well she knew me.  
“How did you find me?” I asked, my smile fading - afraid of what she might say.   
She shook her head, “I didn’t.” She paused and looked away from me.  She stared out the open window for a minute and then looked at me.  Her voice was a whisper, “What do you remember?” 
As the word came regretfully from my lips, dream-like images slowly flowed through my mind.  Were they real?  Of course they weren’t, how could they be?
“I remember a dream I had.  I mean it had to have been a dream,” I started as I pulled the images together, focusing on the air between us.  “I was taken from here and I mean taken from Earth.” I laughed at how ridiculous that should have sounded.  “I was taken to another planet, where the sun was green, the trees were colorless, sort of… and the ground was soft.  I became almost invincible because of worm secretions that left fascinating lines on my skin.  I had… anger issues, was hunted by a guy who had a thirst for power,” I said slowly, my voice sounded as far away as I felt.  “And I was watched over by a handsome, wise and compassionate man - with whom I…” 
I remembered his blue eyes clearly.  I quickly looked at her.  I put my face in my hands, feeling uncertain of everything I said.  What was going on?
“What was the last movie I saw?” I asked quickly as I looked up, hoping to cover my need for it all to have been real.  
She laughed.  “I’m not sure, but I can see why you were gone for five years.” 
I realized that her laugh was more nervous than sincere, and I looked at her questioningly.
“Maybe we should get some fresh air,” she commented quickly, glancing out the window.  She looked at me with an insincere smile.  She seemed… anxious?  
I stared at her, trying to decipher her attempt to change the subject.  
“Oh, I didn’t think about whether you could or not.”
She had misunderstood.  
“I feel like I can,” I replied, and swung my legs over the edge of the bed.
I had soft cotton pants and a long sleeve shirt on.  My memory thought the clothes should have been black, not brown.  I grasped at the fading memory, but it slipped away anyways.  
“Maybe we shouldn’t,” Ashley reconsidered, her voice full of concern.  “What if your muscles have atrophied?” 
I looked up at her like she must be crazy and stood up.  I felt as if I was in prime shape.  
“Or… we could go for a walk because your muscles are fine,” she commented in disbelief.  
“Do you think we could go back to the woods?” I asked hesitantly.
“If you want to,” she replied - sounding like she’d rather not, but would take me anyways.  Again, she glanced nervously out the window.   
“I do.  I need to remember.” Something was missing, and I felt driven to figure it out.  
Ashley looked at me as though she wanted to say something, but didn’t.  
I looked up and down the street as we walked down the sidewalk.  I shook my head, everything seemed familiar, and yet, I was extremely uncomfortable.  Across the street, people were actually staring at me as if I had come from another world.  
“I had to sell your car, I’m sorry,” Ashley said and then glared at the gawkers, who quickly left.  “I wanted to keep it too,” she continued, looking back at me as though the people across the street hadn’t been there, “but I couldn’t afford it.” 
“Don’t be sorry.  I’ve been… gone a long time,” I replied to her, my voice sounding as empty as I felt.
We walked over to her black Corvette.  I looked down the now empty street again before I climbed into the passenger side.  I couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was watching us.  
“Are you okay?” Ashley asked.  I just nodded, not looking at her.  
She started the engine and we drove to the other side of town in silence.  She glanced my way several times, but I didn’t feel like talking and continued to look out the window.   
The information I had of the last five years had to have been a dream.  There was no other rational reason for it.  And yet, being here felt all wrong.  The smells, the sights, everything was wrong.  But there was something more, and I didn’t understand it.  I felt incomplete, as though a part of me was missing.  
We pulled into the parking lot in front of the trail that led into the woods.  I got out of the car and stared at the trees.  I glanced over at Ashley, who was waiting for me at the front of her car.  I walked past her, stepping onto the grass - which didn’t feel right.  I looked down at the green grass in confusion.  Why didn’t…
“You forgot your shoes?” Ashley pointed out in surprise.
I turned to look at her, the thought of shoes hadn’t even occurred to me.  I didn’t know what to say, so I looked back at the trees and walked towards the trail.  The feeling of us being watched was gaining intensity, but I didn’t see anyone around.
I hurried into the woods, compelled to get to the tree that was in my mind.  I looked around once more and picked up my pace.  I heard Ashley behind me, keeping up with me, but not saying anything.  I paused for a second, to get my bearings and then continued faster.
I found an old oak tree and a memory flashed before me.  In the memory I was scared.  There was something… no someone out here the last time I was here.  Glowing red eyes flashed vividly in my mind, and my heart began to pound.
I sat down at the base of the tree and put my hands against my head trying to comprehend the fear.  Images continued to flash in my mind.  I saw a bright blue iridescent design covered in blood.  There were deep voices and… glowing red eyes.
I swallowed hard, and my heart sped up with terror.  Those glowing red eyes were here the night I disappeared, they were there in my dreams and nightmares, and they were still clear as day in my memory.  As the glowing red eyes continued to burn in my memory, an ominous feeling ran through me.  I was sure that I couldn’t escape the red eyes, ever.
I jumped to my feet when I heard someone running for me, I was surprised to see Ashley.  Of course, it was her - who else could it have been.  I slowly sank back down, and tried to focus again.  It was a dream, not… 
“Geez, Ava!  I had no idea that you were so fast.”
I looked up at her, shaking off the frightful feeling that had raced through me before I actually saw her.  I didn’t think I had run fast.
“Do you remember this tree?” she asked as she stopped in front of me, catching her breath.  “What’s wrong?” she asked quickly, sounding alarmed.  
“I… I don’t know!” I said angrily, looking up at her.  I could see her concern, and I looked away.  
I felt lost inside my head.  How could I explain something to her that didn’t make sense to me?  I closed my eyes.  It had to have been a dream, I kept repeating in my head.
“Ava?” she called to me softly.  
“I know something happened, but I’m not sure what.  I feel like something is wrong, and I don’t understand.  I don’t feel complete, and I don’t know why!”  My words came out in a rush of frustrated emotion and my body was trembling.  I put my hands on my arms to try and find control.  
Ashley knelt down beside me, putting her arms around me and holding me tight.
“Come on, let’s get out of here,” she said after a few moments as if something had spooked her.
I nodded.  The answers I wanted were not here, just more questions.  She let go of me, and stood up.  I slowly got to my feet, feeling the tug of memories that would not surface.  Ashley stayed close as we walked away from the only thing that was linked to where I had been during the years that I was… missing? 
I dragged my fingers across a tree as I passed it, it was too rough.  My mind headed into a downward spiral of confusion that was making me angrier.  I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself.  There was a smell that I almost didn’t catch.  It was very familiar.
“Do you smell that?” I asked as I looked around.   
She took a deep breath, “It smells like nature.”
“No, there is something else.” I couldn’t place it, but I wanted to go to its source.
“Come on Ava, let’s go home.”
“I’m not sure where that is,” I said more to myself, still trying to pick up the scent again.  “Can we walk a little longer first?”
“So long as you don’t run again,” she replied with a smile.  I smiled back, and we walked through the woods.
“You didn’t answer my question earlier,” I stated.
Ashley remained quiet, not looking at me.
“Ashley, what are you not telling me?” I inquired confidently.
I watched her look around, she looked anxious.  I wondered why she was afraid to tell me what she knew.  I scanned the area too.  I didn’t like that she was uncomfortable here, so I walked us back to the trail, and then back to the car.
“I see your sense of direction is as good as ever,” she smiled.  “I was a little worried that we both would be lost in there.”  I noticed that her voice was still nervous, but I smiled at her anyways.
She drove back home faster than she had driven to the trail.  I glanced over at her as she parked the car.  She got out of the car and hurriedly walked into the apartment without looking back at me.  I stared at the closed door as I shut the car door.  I wondered what had spooked her.  I ran my fingers through my hair.  No, I knew what spooked her.  Me.  I looked at the ground as I started down the sidewalk towards the apartment.  How could I have been gone so long?
I was about to head up the walkway towards the door, but I saw movement out of the corner of my eye, and stopped abruptly.    I turned in the direction of the movement to see a tall man in a long, black trench coat with the hood up, walking towards me.  He looked up in my direction.  I was confident that he was staring at me, but I couldn’t see his eyes behind the black sunglasses.  His face was strong and his brown hair was disheveled across his brow.  I couldn’t take my eyes off of him.  
There was something about him…
My thoughts dissipated as he stopped in front of me, not even three feet away.  A warm sensation moved through my body, and I wanted to close the gap between us.  I heard the door open behind me.  I tore my eyes away from him to look towards the apartment and saw Ashley staring at me.  I quickly looked back to the man, but he was gone.  I looked up and down the street, there was no sign of the man in the trench coat anywhere, and my heart sank.
Had I imagined him?
“What are you looking for?” Ashley inquired.
“I thought I… nothing.” I didn’t need her thinking I was any closer to crazy than she probably already did.
“Are you okay?” she asked as I still looked for the man I just saw.
He was there, it wasn’t a memory.  I… felt him.
“I’m fine.” 
I heard the sad disappointment in my voice as I turned and walked into the apartment.  I heard the door close behind me, but I didn’t look back.  I walked into my room and heard her following me.  When she didn’t say anything, I turned and looked up to see she was staring at me.
“You don’t seem fine,” she stated.  “I was sure that you’d wake up and be happy to be home.  But I haven’t seen happy yet.” She seemed genuinely concerned, and it made me feel worse.
“I’m sorry.”
“Ava, don’t be sorry.  You’ve been missing for five years… disappeared without a trace.  And you can’t remember anything, except some bits and pieces of… of a wild dream.”
I looked down at my feet.  I no longer felt like I was gone only five years, it suddenly felt much longer.
“Ava, I have to show you something.” She took a deep breath and walked towards me.  “I wasn’t going to say anything to you, but you’re going to see when you get ready for bed anyways, and I don’t want you to freak out alone.” 
She took my hand and pulled the sleeve away from my wrist, up to my elbow.  I saw iridescent blue lines, twisting and turning on my forearm.  I was mesmerized.   My dream… was real? 
“Ava, don’t you remember anything?!” Her voice had a touch of panic in it.  “Aren’t you going to freak out?!”
I looked up at her and then back at my arm.  I wasn’t freaking out because it wasn’t real.  I pulled up the sleeve a little higher to see that the lines continued.  I quickly pulled my other sleeve up, only to find that there were more lines.  
As I stared at the lines, flashes of my screams ripped into my mind.  I remembered the excruciating pain.  I shook my head in denial.  The unnatural shimmering lines were beautiful, but there was no way that my dream had really happened.
“It couldn’t have really happened,” I said in disbelief out loud.  I sunk down to the floor, putting my face in my hands.  I closed my eyes and saw the man in the trench coat.  I remembered his ocean blue eyes, which triggered tears to fall uncontrollably.
“What happened to me?” I thought out loud.  “It was a dream, a fictional movie… not real life.” I looked up at Ashley, for reassurance that it wasn’t possible.
“How did you find me!?” I asked.  My voice was louder and angrier than I meant it to be.  
Ashley shook her head.  
She said I had been unconscious for a month!  I was in a bed, not eating or drinking, only to wake up and still not be hungry?  My body was strong, as if I worked out every day for the last month.  How was that possible?!  
“How did you feed me?!”
“I didn’t.”
“Why didn’t you take me to the hospital?  I should have died without food!  Weren’t you afraid that I…”
“I…I know.  I was afraid…”
“Of WHAT?!” I yelled.  I had sensed her fears since I woke up.  I wanted to know what she was afraid of!
“Of what would happen if they saw your body.  I watched you closely, looking for signs of an emergency, but there wasn’t any.  You looked as though you were sleeping peacefully.  Ava, I couldn’t take you anywhere…they would have taken you away,” she said nervously, and I could tell there was more.
“What aren’t you telling me?!  What do you know?!”  My anger was pouring into each word I said, but I didn’t care - I needed answers!
“Ava, I…”
“I was gone for five years, and what, I just showed up on your door step?!” I growled.  “You said you didn’t find me, how did I end up here?!”
She shook her head. I could see that she was frightened.  I could feel the intense anger fighting to be free.  
I wasn’t supposed to be here!  I was supposed to be… I was supposed to be… where?
How could it have been real?!  
I looked up at Ashley to see that she was looking out the window again.  I stood up, and stormed over to the window.  I searched the area, tried to see into the shadows.  I didn’t see anything.  What was out there that was making her keep quiet?!
I breathed in, and let the breeze calm my mind.  I closed my eyes to the caress of the wind.
“I’m sorry,” I said.  I stood up straight and closed the blinds, turning my back to the window.  
She wouldn’t know any of the answers I was looking for.  How could she?  I sat down on my bed and breathed deeply, forcing myself to relax.  
Ashley sat down next to me.  “Why don’t we eat, get all dolled up, and go out dancing?”
I saw that there were tears in her eyes, and I was certain that she did know something.  What did she know that she wasn’t going to tell me?  Why was she afraid to tell me?
“You need to get away from everything,” she continued.  “And the dance floor is the best place for you.”
I didn’t know what she meant, but I did know that she knew me better than just about anyone, including myself.
“Okay,” I said as confidently as I could.
I followed her into the kitchen and she stood in front of the fridge.  She pulled out an arm full of things, and stepped over to the counter.
“We’ll have to hit up the grocery store soon.  I’m down to the bare essentials: Ham, Roast Beef, Mayo, and bread.  Club subs will do, I think.” She laughed and threw together two club subs.
She handed me my sub and a glass of water.  The sub tasted better than it smelled, and I enjoyed putting food in my stomach.  I drank the water and then drank three more glasses, the water felt wonderful going down my throat.  A memory of a bottle of a water and straw flashed into my mind and was gone. 
“Alright, let’s go raid your closet,” she stated enthusiastically.  I could tell by her smile that she was looking forward to this part.
She grabbed my hand and pulled me into my room, leaving me to stand by the bed.  She went through everything before she was apparently satisfied with an outfit.
“Here put this on with this and… this.  I’ll be right back,” she said, and left my room.
I did as I was told.  I put on the black polyester pants first.  These were not mine, they weren’t sewn together properly.  The side seams were open, except at my hips and knees.  You could hardly see the lines on my legs though, and I figured that was a good thing.  I took off my shirt, and realized that the lines were continuous from my ankles up to my neck.  But I knew that, didn’t I?  I shook my head in frustration.
I reached for the shirt that Ashley had left for me.  I looked down at the lines that shimmered on my chest, my eyes focused on a round scar in the middle of my chest.  It was about the size of a quarter.  This I hadn’t expected.  How did I not expect to see this?  I stepped up to the mirror in front of my closet.  I stared at the scar before hesitantly running my finger over it.
I remembered the pain, his blue eyes looking at me, and tears that were falling towards me.  There was yelling, soft words, and then water and more pain and then… nothing.
I heard Ashley coming down the hallway and realized that I had collapsed to my knees.  I stood up, and quickly attempted to wipe my wet cheeks dry.
Where did I drop that shirt?  I couldn’t think, the memories were too fresh.
I heard the worry in her voice and looked up at her.
“Let’s get your shirt on and get out of here,” she said with a smile.  I could tell by the tone of her voice that she was pretending not to notice that I had been crying.
She bent down and grabbed the shirt off the floor.  She slid it over my head and put my arms in the sheer sleeves.  It was only half a shirt held on by two silvery elastic cords that crisscrossed my back.  The iridescent lines on my back were out for all to see.
“There, my work here is done,” she commented proudly.
I shook my head, I knew this wasn’t the first time she had gotten me into something that I wouldn’t have normally worn.
“Oh wait!” she said, and ran out of the room.  “Here.  You’re going to need your favorite dancing shoes,” she informed me as she returned. 

I looked at the black strappy shoes.  How was I going to do anything but stand in those?  I looked up at her before taking them from her.  I quickly put them on and she hurried me to the door.